To connect with our hoteliers & DMC partners for a 15 min meeting please go to www.LetsConnect365.com
Let’s Connect 365
What do you need from me?
Two things
You need a zoom account. Totally fine if it is a free account.
If you don’t have one and would like us to set one up for you that would be possible too. If you have one, we will just need you to send us the email that is connected to the account.
Please sent us the email that is connect with your account so our system can check in case you schedule and appointment on your side.
(Do not worry we will not be able to see your calendar)
Also, we will be sent you an email to connect with your calendar so appointments will show up on your calendar as soon as they are made
(If you need help setting it up please do not hesitate to ask us for assistance)
Do I have to decide about the amount and specific dates for appointments right now?
We recommend starting with some dates to get the ball rolling but don’t stress it you are able to add meetings or remove meeting slots at any time. That being said why not scheduling something like 15-minute morning coffee with General Manager at 9am EST and always have your first coffee in the office with a great person and a great chat. (or if you are more a MAD MEN kind of guy, a “Almost done with work 5pm whiskey” with a great person and a great chat)
What happens if I said I would be available but then something comes up?
Two scenarios
We already scheduled a meeting for you: In that case you have the contact information of the buyer and you can contact them either by phone or email and ask to reschedule but as always, we are more than happy to assist you with that if needed.
No meeting is confirmed yet. In that case you either contact us and we will make sure the date/time shows unavailable or you just block of the time from your calendar and our system automatically detect (without us knowing any details) that the time slot is unavailable and no longer offer it to any buyer.
Can someone help me with the set up?
Of course, we are more than happy to assist you with the set up and do a “test run” with you.
How many appointments slot should I open?
More appointments more flexibility has a good and a bad side.
The more appointments slot you mark available the more convenient and the more likely it is that buyer will make an appointment with you. However, if you open up your whole working day for potential appointments you might have a very interrupted working day or open yourself up for a lot of potential rescheduling/cancelation work if some more urgent things come up after the appointments has been made.
Let’s assume you usually attend 3 tradeshow each year where you meet 70 people on average per show. That would mean 210 buyers. Why not doing a Friday 9am to 10am every 15 minutes. That would have you meet with 208 buyers from the privacy of your office at the end of the year.